14th May Senate Council meeting – Final agenda
Using the South East Coast Senate review of clinical Co-Dependencies, the question that is being deliberated by the South West Senate Council is: Can the South West Clinical Senate assure…
Read MorePre-reading for Senate Council meeting 14th May
The next Senate Council meeting will be on 14th May 2015. Using the South East Coast Senate review of clinical Co-Dependencies, the question that is being deliberated is: Can the…
Read MoreSenate Council meeting 14th May
The next Senate Council meeting will be on 14th May 2015. Using the South East Coast Senate review of clinical Co-Dependencies, the question that is being deliberated is: Can the…
Read MoreFeedback from the Senate Assembly
We received a lot of positive feedback following the Senate Assembly meeting on 12th March. Here are some of the comments assembly members used to describe the day:
Read MoreSouth West Senate Assembly
The South West Senate met for the annual Assembly meeting on 12th March 2015. The theme for the day was ‘The challenge of delivering urgent care in the South West’.…
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