Senate Assembly full meeting – 12th March
The South West Clinical Senate will be holding its second Senate Assembly meeting on 12th March 2015 at the Rougemont Hotel in Exeter. The theme for the day is ‘The…
Read MoreFull Assembly Meeting – save the date
The South West Clinical Senate will be holding its second Senate Assembly meeting on 12th March 2015. We will confirm the venue for the event shortly and we are making…
Read MoreEmergency Surgery – how should services be configured in the South West?
The South West Clinical Senate Council met on 16th October 2014 in Bristol to deliberate on the question: Based on available evidence and guidance, how should emergency surgical services be…
Read MoreSouth West Citizen’s Assembly – bringing experience and knowledge to the table
The Citizens’ Assembly brings a wealth of different experiences and knowledge to the table. Set up in January 2014, the Assembly has a full membership of 26 people nominated by…
Read MoreAcute Surgery Conference: Is reconfiguration the answer to delivering a safe, quality service?
We are seeing a shift in focus from ‘numbers-driven’ elective work to high quality clinical care with an increased spotlight on the national provision of emergency and acute care in…
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