Senate Council Meeting: Test and Trace Strategy
On the 24th September 2020 the Clinical Senate deliberated the question: “What should be the future Test and Trace Strategy for COVID 19 in the SW and how can we…
Read MoreSenate Council Meeting: Capturing beneficial changes from the COVID 19 response
On the 16th July 2020 the Clinical Senate deliberated the questions: What beneficial innovations/changes have occurred in specialty and patient pathways as a result of the response to COVID 19?…
Read MoreSenate Council Pathway Proposal: Delivery of immunosuppressant chemotherapy
At the request of the South West and Peninsula Cancer Alliances, the South West Clinical Senate coordinated a discussion between clinicians from the cancer alliances and the senate, supported by…
Read MoreSouth West Clinical Senate. Operating framework for urgent and planned services in hospital settings during COVID-19 (May 2020)
At the request of the South West Region Medical and Nursing Directors of the South West Clinical Senate were asked to review the recently published national guidance to support the…
Read MoreSenate Council Review: Operating framework for urgent and planned services in hospital settings during COVID-19
At the request of South West Regional Medical and Nursing Directors from NHS England and Improvement on 18th May, the South West Clinical Senate reviewed the recently published national guidance…
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