South West Clinical Senate. The Principles of Specialised Commissioning (Jan 2014)
In order to deliver excellent care which complies with NHS England’s service specifications, what are the principles which the South West Clinical Senate proposes that specialised commissioning should consider?
The answer
The following ranked principles were agreed:
- Decisions and configuration of service to be based on objective/logical evaluation that best meet population need. This may include the use of computer aided demographic mapping (GIS).
- Funding flows should be flexible and ensure that solutions are sustainable and affordable for providers; with money following the patient. Thus ensuring that services can be developed outside of historic arrangements.
- Priority to be given to solutions that deliver outcomes across all 5 domains of the outcome framework as measured by agreed KPIs.
- Solutions must maximise the interdependencies within and between providers, and within and between Area team regions.
- Prioritising innovative solutions that utilise new technologies and approaches to ensure that care is delivered as close to home as possible without compromising outcomes.
Who was involved
How did the South West Clinical Senate arrive at this decision?
The evidence
- presentation by Linda Prosser, Director of South West Specialised Commissioning
12th December 2013, Taunton